Life Lately - August/September

As ever, it's been a month of ups and downs. We all have them.

As you may have noticed, I rebranded my blog. NEVER AGAIN. Sooo many problems. I have about 20 new grey hairs and wrinkles due to the changeover. Neeeeever again.

  • Pinch to zoom on mobiles works when it feels like it. I've now added a third piece of HTML code to my blog (as the other two worked initially then stopped working) and I *think* it now works on Android and iOS. Fingers crossed it will stay working.
  • My share buttons at the end of every post don't work. This is a major pain in the arse and as it's a part of my template (and thus out of my control) I'm waiting on help from my template designer.
  • I lost a load of blog comments when I migrated from Just Me Leah to Love Leah.
  • Then Disqus stopped working at all so I had to uninstall it and I lost allllllll my comments. 13k of them! I might be able to salvage some of them but I have bigger things to worry about right now (see bottom of post).

Now for some really good news! I'm going to be a main contributor to Georgina Grogan's new online community She Might Be. It's going to be so amazing - a totally body positive, plus size fashion community plus beauty, popular issues, and life stuff we can all identify with. For my part I'll be bringing chronic illness chat, mental health talks, reproductive health, feminism and plus size looks. It launches on Sept 14th and follow here in the meantime.


Now for some mixed news - our landlord is selling up and we have 2 months to pack up the last 6 years of our life and find somewhere else to live. No stress then! Pffffft. I'm looking at it as a chance for a fresh start though, and an opportunity to get away from a flat which although has lovely views, has been terribly neglected by our landlord and isn't ideal for our needs now by any means. I had always put his lack of reliability down to him being in the forces and being hard to contact, but after the way he chose to inform us to move out - through the estate agent who's selling the property - I've realised he's just a dickhead. I've seen a couple of lovely flats and we're going to see an amazing one tomorrow! Wish us luck. I can't wait for my packaging materials to arrive so I can start packing now. Once I'd mentally said goodbye to this place I became keen to start the next phase of my life.

So, what's your news? How's life treating you?
Leah xoxo


  1. Hi Leah! Yaaaaayy! So much great news!! First you'll be fabulous in the She Might Be project! and I'm in awe over how you're dealing with the flat thing. As always your wonderful positive outlook will win the day! I so want you to find a place that's beyond perfect because you deserve it and I absolutely believe you will. Huggles always honey xxx

    1. Thanks Rosie! Packing up this place will mostly fall to me and I know it's really going to take it out of me but it'll be all worth it in the end. I'm so pleased Georgina believes in me - sometimes it takes someone else to do that to give you a shot in the arm. I'm hoping we'll get a great place - I'm so excited! Hugs back. xxx

  2. That's a lot of things all at once! I call it the bus syndrome, all quiet then everything turns up at once xxx You'll be fab for the She Might Be project and keeping fingers crossed for your new abode xx

    1. It iss. Life likes to throw things at us all at once to see what we're made of. Thank you! She Might Be will be a great opportunity to get my voice out there, and the new flat will be a new start! :) xx

  3. What a pain in the ass about having to move! Moving is the worst. The home hunting is fun but the actual moving... take me lord jesus!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks lady! Moving sucks the devil's scrotum. It ain't actually the moving that's the worst, it's the CLEANING when things that haven't been moved in years get moved. Man, I'm envisioning a dust storm and a half.

  4. How exciting! Congratulations on your new gig. I'm sure you'll be great. Always enjoy your blogs and stuff in social media. Moving is a drag but it's also a chance to get rid of stuff. We moved from a house we lived in for more than 30 years. Oh my, the junk I tossed. If I would have had more time lots more would have gone.

    1. Thanks Christie! I'm looking forward to a BRUTAL clear out. I'll be selling more things and donating a hell of a lot of things. If we get the new flat we'll have a month to pack and go, eeeeep. 30 years, blimey! We've collected so much crap in just 6 years here.

  5. I'm glad you're able to see the flat thing as a positive new start! Of course it will be stressful (we moved in May and I'm still getting used to the new surroundings, haha), but I'm sure it's for the best considering how awful your landlord is.

    Btw, I'm not sure but I may be able to help you with your missing comments. I've saved copies of the blogs I use in my research just in case I won't be able to access them online or someone decides to delete their whole blog or something. I'm not 100% sure if I have Disqus comments as well but I'll ask my husband (he's been helping me with the techy stuff since I'm really not very good at all that, lol). xx

    1. Ooh, that's handy but I don't know if I can use them - I don't think there's a way to import comments from Disqus to Blogger, just the other way around. So I think they're lost for good unless I revert to the extremely useless Disqus. Grrr.

      All is going well with regards to the move. I'm so excited! xx

  6. Good luck with your move! Love the new look of your blog :) x

    1. Thank you Shell! It's been a bugger of a job rebranding but I like the look of it too. :) x
