This is a collaborative post (not written by me).
The age old question of whether a Mac or PC is better has been around since the dawn of computers. It’s the same as asking which is better: tea or coffee, ready salted or cheese and onion, DC or Marvel, coast or country, Nikon or Canon. While this question will continue to be debated long after you have finished reading this article, there are some pointers to look for when it comes to making the decision about which to plump for when purchasing your next bit of hardware. You could place your emphasis on colour, shape, or whether the speakers are loud and of good audio quality. However, there may be more important aspects of your purchase that you should consider.
Computers were once hefty desktop things, but they have now morphed into the more convenient and smaller laptop varieties. Both Mac and PC have ventured into this realm to create exceptional machines. No one is arguing that one is a poor imitation of the other. You simply need to consider whether Mac or PC best suits your needs. While they have many similarities, it is their differences that will help you decide which computer you prefer. If you are a fashion blogger, which laptop should you go for?
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While boring and super technical, it is imperative that you check out the hardware of your device. You need to consider the RAM, the memory, the speed and the display of your machine to ensure that it is a user friendly experience for you. You may assume that the sleekness and postmodern adored-by-millennial Apple may win this hands down. After all, they produced the MacBook Air that looks as light as a feather, is ridiculously thin and lightweight, and yet still squeezes in all the performance of a monster machine.
However, the PC has many more laptop varieties, from the Dells of the world to the more aesthetically pleasing Sonys. The colours are almost endless, so you can choose the ultra formal black or a quirkier rose gold. There are an array of different screen sizes and resolutions to play with, and there is a wealth of processors to pick to suit your budget. You could even have a PC with a touchscreen capability, making your blogging a breeze compared to having to tap away on a keyboard for hours on end.
Software And Apps
With Microsoft being the stalwart of the PC, they seemed to have a monopoly on the word processing and spreadsheet-esque software packages. However, Apple has its own version which gives Microsoft a run for its money. Of course, you may choose to forget the free trial before having to purchase your Microsoft Office 365, and instead go for some open source software. With your Mac, the Office Suite equivalent is free - great for those heavy blogging days.
In terms of apps, the Mac doesn’t come loaded with rubbish and filler that you’ll end up uninstalling to free up some much needed space. You will have an exceptional photo app, a decent movie maker, word processing tools and the opportunity to download extras from the Apple Store. This is your laptop created for your preferences with the capability to be highly personalised. For the avid fashion blogger, the Flume app makes using Instagram on your laptop a much more pleasurable experience. You can forget about having to rely on your smartphone, to scroll through your feed on the big screen instead.
Your PC will come with more free trials that you didn’t even want to sign up for, and way more pop ups. This is ok for the individuals who want all of this extra software kit, but it’s not great for the streamline fashion blogger.
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While you might not be blogging about the most confidential or secret of subjects, you still don’t want any old hacker compromising your posts, infiltrating your blog and stealing your content. Apple is more secure simply because there are fewer laptops with the Mac interface. Hackers tend to prefer going after Windows powered machines. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t invest in some decent free anti-virus software for your Windows PC to ensure that you don’t fall victim to a cyber criminal. Whatever laptop you choose should have more than a mere firewall to protect it.
If you don’t have very deep pockets, then a PC is the way to go. They range in price from under £200 for an entry level basic model to over a couple of grand. However, if you want a Mac, you won’t get much for under £600, and this is only for the bog standard generic bit of kit. MacBook Airs are way more expensive. Value for money rests with the PC. There are many more retailers of PC laptops, and there is a greater variety of choice. There are deals to be had with software bundles, which could be useful for your blogging credentials.
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The amount of times Windows has rehashed its interface is shocking, especially when some of these updates are anything but user friendly. Does anyone remember Windows 8? The most recent update - Windows 10 - is more exciting with Cortana coming on board to rival Siri. The interface is user friendly and easy to navigate.
The great thing about Apple’s interface, OS X, is that it rarely deviates much from its tried and tested aesthetically pleasing menus and design. It has steered clear of the whole touch screen capability believing it to be little more than a gimmick whereas Windows have fully embraced the concept. It’s up to you how much emphasis you place on this quality.
Choosing a laptop is difficult, especially with the vast array on offer. Consider what it is you want from a machine, think about how you will use it for your blogging, and go with function over form. Laptops are built to last if you choose a good brand, so spend as much as your budget will allow.
Thanks for reading.
Leah xoxo
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