I've got a bee in my bonnet about blogging again after so long, so here I am with two posts in one day! This one is going to be a bit one-dimensional I'm afraid as I have a new man and I'm OBSESSED.
I've just finished Series 6 of Power, as far as it stands There are 5 more episodes to come but not till 2020. I need to find a new addiction on Netflix now. Recommendations?
Texts from my new man! I split up with my last boyfriend Enyo in the summer. I wish him nothing but the best, he's a lovely man, but the distance between us was tiring him out and so he ended it.
I met my new fella 2 months ago online and it's been a bit of a slow burner in some ways, but we went official a week or so ago. I'm head over heels for him. We're going to have a long distance relationship, as he's in the forces and is stationed 150 miles away from me, and that's when he's in the country! He's currently overseas for work and will be overseas for work a LOT, but he's so worth it. He's incredibly lovely to me, and drop dead gorgeous too. I'm a very lucky girl. Because of his job and his distinctive name I'm just going to call him S for now, but rest assured you'll be hearing lots about him in the future. He's very special.
These eyes at photos of my man! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
- To think about the future and what it might look like for me and my man.
- Seasonal affective disorder. Now the clocks have gone back the early dark nights are starting to take their toll on me and I can feel the depression creeping in, even though I'm ludicrously happy because of S. I'm going out for a walk every day to get my sunshine fix and it's time to start taking my high strength Vitamin D too.
Umm, finishing being single, lol.
- Seeing all the trees turn their shades of red and gold.
- Afternoon naps.
- My new electric blanket. It keeps me toasty warm AND helps ease my Fibromyalgia pains.
I love listening to my playlists on Spotify while I lay in my bed thinking about my love.
My maaaaaaan and life in general. It's amazing how being loved can make everything feel rosy!
The fact that S is abroad for work and I don't know when I'll see him again.
Tell me what's new with youuuuu? Tell me about when you fell in love with your significant other.
Thanks for reading.
Leah xoxo
You can read previous posts here.
One Two Three
Four Five Six
Seven Eight Nine Ten
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