5 things you can do on your blog when you've lost your blogging mojo

5-things-you-can-do-when-you've-lost-your-blogging-mojo // www.xloveleahx.co.uk
Losing your blogging mojo happens from time to time, but rather than feeling like an unproductive failure there are a few constructive things you can do in your downtime which will make things better for you.

  1. Look through your archive and share some old posts on social media. The benefits of this are two-fold. Not only will you remember all those great posts you wrote in the past (which will remind you how amazing you are at this blogging lark) it'll give you the chance to connect with a new audience. When I'm feeling down and don't feel like I've put together any good outfits in a while or even written anything useful, going back through my archive reminds me I've written good posts in the past, and I can do it again. A dry spell feels awful, so reminding yourself that it will pass is crucial, and if you get some new eyes on old posts then that's fantastic!
  2. Go to http://www.brokenlinkcheck.com/ and get rid of your dead links. It'll improve your Search Engine Optimisation and it's so satisfying! I'm a bit addicted to checking mine. The first time I checked mine (after about 3 years of blogging) I had about 350! My SEO must've been in the TOILET. 😆
  3. Brainstorm ideas. Get a writing pad and jot down ideas for posts - things you've always wanted to write about but never have, things that inspire you, things that make you happy. If a blogger I love enthused about their stamp collection it would be an enjoyable read because passion is contagious! I have a huge list of potential blog post ideas - more than I can possibly write. Think of it like word association but for blog ideas. You never know what brilliant idea you might come up with if you give yourself no limitations.
  4. Revisit old posts and update them with new information, better photos, or fresh links to similar items in outfit posts. 
  5. If you've already taken photos but don't have the words in you to write posts, edit your photos. Brighten, crop, resize as necessary (and rename them to help your SEO) so when you are full of beans again you're halfway there. 
Most importantly of all, be kind to yourself. Blogging is hard work, especially if you're doing a day job too. Throw in parenting on top of that and I have no idea how some of you do it. Take a few evenings to chill out in front of Netflix, pamper yourself, rest your brain, and in time you'll be raring to go again. I've gone as long as 3 weeks between blog posts before. At the beginning I probably thought I'd never write again, but by the end I'd come back full of ideas. You will too.

Thanks for reading, and share any tips of your own in the comments.
Leah xoxo

*Georgina Grogan has some great tips about SEO here and so does XOMisse here.

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