The fake designer tote bag of dreams

Hello loves,

Turning 41 has made me want to pretend to be a proper lay-dee, and that involved buying a grown up bag. I love fun novelty bags as much as the next woman, but I also want a bag I can wear with many different outfits. I have designer taste but a charity shop budget, so I had a look on eBay for classy looking bags at a good price and this is what I found. I picked a neutral colour so it'll go with everything.

The bag looks so classy, is pretty well made and sturdy, and cost just £15.79 with p&p. I'm thrilled with it. It's a pale beige colour, comes with a removable, adjustable shoulder strap and has 2 zipped pockets and a mobile phone pouch inside, as well as a small zipped pocket on the outside. It has 4 studs on the bottom so if you put it on the floor at any time it won't get too dirty.

It's not perfect, but I'm not looking for it at £15. The lining is a little bit on the tacky side and the zips may not last forever but it looks really classy and if like me, you haven't got hundreds of pounds to spend on a bag, it'll probably do you fine! I think I might treat myself to the hot pink one in a month or two.

I bought mine here and delivery was about 2-3 days.

What do you think about this bag? Someone on Facebook said it looked like a Cyberman smoking a cigarette, and I can see the resemblance!

Thanks for peeking.
Leah xoxo

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