I refreshed the henna on my hair a couple of days ago and thought I'd post some photos of my hair and face. For new readers, I'm allergic to actual dye so I use henna instead and have been doing so for about 4 years now.
The henna really conditions my hair and makes it feel softer and thicker. I miss having bright streaks and different coloured hair. For anyone who's interested you can see a variety of my past hairstyles here.
I'm wearing a matte brown eyeshadow called Fantasy from the MUA Smokin palette, which I swatched here.
The redder bits of hair you see are my greys being covered. Some of my hair is black and some of it is red - you can see it best in the middle photo. I finished off two colours of henna to do my hair this time. I don't mind having piebald hair - it'll soon wash out anyway! It'll last for about 6 weeks, depending on how often I wash my hair. When my greys start to peek through again it's time to start again.
I use Surya henna cream, which is cruelty free. I have no patience for henna powder. I need something I can whack on straight away then forget about because Fibromyalgia makes my arms T-Rex useless and dyeing/washing my hair kills my arms.
I'm getting a friend to trim my undercut this weekend. It's about 2 inches long now and is starting to stick out at crazy angles. I'll probably post photos next week.
Thanks for peeping!
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