10 things Tuesday - checklist before photos


Before I take outfit photos there's a list of things I have to check.

  1. That there are no hanging loops sticking out.
  2. If it's cold that there are no nipples about to take anyone's eye out.
  3. That my glasses aren't all smeary so you can see mah pretty eyes. :)
  4. That my VPL isn't too bad.
  5. If I'm wearing a necklace, making sure it's round the right way or straight.
  6. Making sure you can't see my bra through the fabric of my top/dress when I use flash. (I use flash on self-timer as my camera is slower that way and it gives me time to change poses without blurring the shots.)
  7. Accessorise! Half the time I get out bags/necklaces to use and then forget to use them. Grrrr.
  8. Making sure there's no annoying clutter in the background of my shots.
  9. Remember to SMILE! Sometimes I'm so busy thinking about everything else the resting bitch face comes out.
  10. That there's no food stuck between my teeth or lipstick on my teeth.
  11. BONUS THING! That I take that bloody hair band off my wrist! The amount of times I forget and that scraggy old hair band is in shot....aaargh. #perfectionistproblems
Phew! What do you do to make sure you're on point, fashion bloggers?

Thanks for peeking,
Leah xoxo

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