I do like a saucy title.
I am OF COURSE talking about the Soap and Glory big 'un. 'Operation Yule Monty' was complicated. My friend Kim picked it up for me (and paid for it - I owe her out of my Christmas money) and my brother delivered it to me. People are grand, aren't they?!
The bag is HUGE, which pleases me. I love things to put other things in. I reuse all my old S&G boxes & bags.
I could've taken lots of photos of everything artfully arranged, but I'm far too busy being fabulous and staring at piles of presents willing them to wrap themselves. So far only the former is working....
What's your favourite thing to slather yourself in? Please don't say melted chocolate and marshmallows, unless you're Jason Momoa, in which case I'm starving, and I'm yours! ;)
Thanks for reading.
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