Make up organisation of dreams

Hello honey buns!

I've kind of grown out of my habit of stockpiling make up like there's a zombie apocalypse coming, but I still have a huge amount of it. Hubby kindly bought me the 9 drawer Alex storage drawers from IKEA last year, which is pictured in the photo below, but I want to refresh the whole portion of the room where I'll be sitting to do my make up. It's my next big project.


My aunt very kindly gave me a vintage dressing table a couple of years ago, which I adore, but I'm giving it back to her for a couple of reasons. Firstly the plan was always for me to sit at the dressing table and put my make up on in daylight (on the days we get some!) but that hasn't really happened. Our bedroom doesn't really get any light in it except for right by the window as it's north-facing. Our ceiling in the bedroom is about 10 feet high, and the curtain rail curls down at either end (cheap plastic crap) so I can't touch the curtains at ALL or else they fall off and then hub-features has to go up a ladder and sort them out, and then he moans, so they're always shut. Bah. My aunt is happy to have the dressing table back, so it gives me room to plot for a better set up.

I've already bought some new curtains for the bedroom, and once the dressing table has gone back to my aunt there'll be a lovely big gap, in which my dear husband can stand on a ladder with a drill in hand and put up a new curtain rail (once we buy one.) Then I can sit in the sunshine and put my make up on like a normal person at my new desk instead of having make up scattered all over the living room, like I currently do. This is the desk I'm after.

The second reason I needed to send it back is because I can't open the drawers any more. After hub-face stood behind me laughing as I tugged on the drawer handle with both hands trying to open it the other day it made me realise it's been peeing me off for too long. The drawers are really stiff, as you'd expect with a 40+ year old dressing table, and my arms have got weedier over the couple of years I've had it and I HATE (with a passion) being reminded that I'm less strong than I was before. So right now I'm avoiding using it for any reason at all. Sulk.

The idea of having a table and drawer unit which match in colour is quite appealing too, I must say - because as it is it's very mismatched. The only downside to not having a proper dressing table is I won't have a big mirror, so I'll be looking to buy something like this mirror below. It's from Argos, is £29.99 and measures H52, W56, D2cm. Big enough to see my face in without too much squinting! Hurrah.

The drawers in the table go back deep (I've seen them in Youtube videos before) and look like they'll hold quite a lot of stuff. I intend to use the large lidded plastic storage boxes you can get anywhere under the table to store things like belts and other accessories in, and on top I would probably at some point have a couple of these Muji acrylic storage boxes, when the money fairy lands on my shoulder. They measure 26cm x 17.5cm x 16cm and the internal drawer height is 2.5cm. That'd hold most of my every day make up, I'm sure, with the less used stuff squirrelled away in drawers.

I'm more into skincare these days than make up, as since I've been taking better care of my skin I feel I don't need as much make up to look alive. But it'll be nice to store the stuff I have, and of course I'll need somewhere to store my excess skincare bits until such time they're ready to be used.

What would your ideal make up storage set up be?

If I get enough birthday money for my juicer (I want a juicer for my birthday so I can cram in more fruit & veg) and have any spare left over I'll put it towards the desk.

Thanks for reading!

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