I've had a bit of a play around with the Urban Decay Naked 3 palette now and have done a couple of looks, one of which I'll post here alongside some swatches. It's the rose-colour themed neutral palette.
I also did fingertip swatches and thought I'd include them to show how fragile some of the shadows are - particularly Dust (apt name) and Factory.
Here are some blurry shots to show the sparkles.
I don't remember the Naked 1 palette shadows being as soft as a couple of these are. Nevertheless they're pretty shades. I used Strange under my brows, Dust in my inner corners and along the bottom lash line, Buzz on the main part of my lid and Blackheart in the corners and smoked out.
A little fun fact about that scar near my eye. When I was a toddler, our back garden was accessed by a step up out of the kitchen. The outside of our house had been newly pebble-dashed and there were lots of stones everywhere. I toppled over and hit my head on the step, where a piece of broken stone was, and it went in my face. Ow. It's one of my earliest memories.
As to the palette, I haven't had enough time to play with it to form a concrete opinion yet. Once I've used all the colours I'll be able to tell. I think it's going to grow on me. I did expect a bit more pinkness for a palette touted as being rose-based one but the pinkest tones like Dust and Buzz are very flattering for my skin tone and eye colour.
I have more photos of this day's make up look but I'm going to post them separately with a run down of items used or else this'll be such a long post.
It's £37 when you can find one - keep trying House of Fraser and Debenhams to see if they get stock back in. It comes with a double ended brush and 4 resealable Primer Potion samples.
Thanks for reading.
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