I've decided to post a day early in case anyone who's struggling for things to say can have a read of my post before they write their own. The rest of the posts are due Sunday.

I don't know if people told me I was pretty when I was young, but I've always felt pretty. If I think about my facial characteristics I *could* choose to look at the negatives and make my opinion from that, but I don't.
I have a nose which is long and quite witchy in profile, and it has a lump near the bridge of my nose from a childhood break. I'm nearly 40, so there are eye bags coming, but I choose not to focus on it because being miserable (making myself miserable) is no fun. I have a few chipped teeth from an ex partner smacking me in the gob, and the rest of them are a bit wonky as my childhood dentist couldn't be arsed to put a brace on, but oh well. What are wonky teeth or a lumpy nose compared to a good heart? (Or a heart trying to be good.) Nothing!
My face, I like that shit, even with a lumpy nose.
- my hair, even though it's going grey at an alarming rate and I can't dye it funky colours any more (allergies!)
- my freckles, which are dead cute and multiply madly in summer
- my smile, even though I have wonky teeth - everyone looks better with a smile!
- my brain, because it makes me ME in a zillion different ways and that's to be celebrated
- my laugh, which is as filthy as!
- my eyes, which are a lovely hazel with flecks of gold
- my eyelashes, which are long (but stubbornly straight!)
- my eyebrows, because I've spent approximately 3 months of my life tending to them
- my cheekbones, which are somewhat buried under squidge but are there
- my ears, for hearing music and lovely words from my family and friends
- my eyes to see all the beauty in this world
- my mouth for talking, kissing and eating
- my nose to smell lovely things like my husband's neck when I nuzzle him or some lovely perfume, or food cooking
- my labret piercing
- my double chins - love them on other people, not so keen on them on me, but they feel so soft so I'm learning to love them
- my wonk nose
- my wonk teeth
- my eye bags
- my lips, which are quite thin unless I trout pout (which is why I often do pout!)
I hope when I read your posts you like a lot of things about yourself too, but if you can't, I know the wonderful little community we're building will help you see the wonderful things there are about you.
Thanks for reading.
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