Fatshion Feb day 5 - Black Pearl OOTD

Hiya ye scurvy currs!

Alas there are no black pearls nor pirates in this outfit post, although a bit of Johnny Depp is always appreciated by moi. Instead we have a lot of black, some faux pearls and my face.

This is black dress day 2/14 - a mini challenge within Fatshion February to wear one black dress in 14 different outfits.

Dress, New Look last year
Hair adornment, made for me by a Facebook friend
Pearls, gift
Leggings, Pink Clove (pulled up to look like crops.)
Bag, Very (last year.)
Shoes, Evans

There's that bloody hair band on my wrist again. Must. Take. It. Off.

I bought the hair adornment from someone on Facebook a couple of years ago for my wedding, but then I decided fat girls can wear tiaras too, so I didn't end up wearing it. But it did act as inspiration for the colour scheme of my wedding, thereabouts, so not all was lost. This outfit needed a belt, I've decided.

I can't believe that 2 years ago I seriously thought I didn't get to wear a tiara because I'm fat. Hell yes I did. Needless to say I bought two and that reminds me, I must make them a feature in an outfit post soon. If tiaras are good enough for Elton John, they're good enough for me, and YOU.

Life's too short not to shine, and on that note, farewell until tomorrow, shiny people!

Thanks for reading.

P.S. I'm being assaulted with a zillion creative ideas at the moment which I'm piling up in a series of notebooks for future use because I don't want to do blog overkill. How much blogging is TOO MUCH? Last year I averaged about 10 posts a week which I'm trying to aim for this year as well. Having just come out of a huge Fibro flare I have ideas in abundance and I'm trying to trickle-feed them rather than boring everyone brainless. What are your thoughts on a good amount of blogs per week? Thanks in advance!

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