Family day out & outfit

Hi all!

Today my dad and brother came to visit us, which was lovely!

My brother drove our car as James's toe is still really sore from his procedure last week. We went into town and had lunch in a really cosy 'olde worlde' pub which does gorgeous food. It started to rain while we were there, so we just had to stay there for a couple more hours. Oh well! :) I don't see a lot of my family, with them being in Kent and us in East Sussex, so whenever we get together, no matter what we do I'm a happy girl.

This is what I wore. It's been seen here a time or two before, but not with this belt.

The photos are slightly grainy, but not as bad as usual because I've pulled a lamp closer to shed some light on ME! You can see the base of it in all the shots. Good ol' Ikea!

My dad playing Candy Crush - oh, the concentration!

My brother playing Candy Crush with a smirk on his face. :)

We were all playing Candy Crush at some point as we waited for the food to arrive, which took about 45 minutes. We were all happy to wait as we knew it'd be worth it and we were cosy and warm indoors. The irony of a silent table as we all played on our phones wasn't lost on us. You know you're in good company when you can ignore each other for a few minutes and not be thought of as rude! :)

Hubby watching football

The pub is SO lovely!

Hubs playing pool and grinning because he's winning.

Dad and brother

Walking through Hastings Old Town towards the beach

There's a storm a-brewin'

Moody clouds

Glowing sunset

Because I was out all day yesterday in the cold and damp and again today it has taken a toll on my body. It feels like my bones are on fire. They're radiating heat, so the rest of me feels cold in comparison and I'm shivering. I'm wearing two giant fleece blankets in the photo above.

It's always fantastic to see friends and family but for me, there's always a cost to be paid afterwards. As long as I have enough notice, I can mentally prepare myself for the physical cost which follows a busy time. I hate last minute things because I have no time to prepare myself for the mental downturn when the pain and fatigue settles in. I'll hopefully have a relatively easy week coming up so I can recover. I had a fantastic weekend so it was well worth it.

Thanks for reading!

I hope you had a great weekend too?

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