I have in the past been the world's least organised person. I've got numerous email accounts for different purposes, a personal Youtube account, a personal Google+ account but until last night I hadn't got a streamlined Google presence across the board for my blog. Now I'm bringing everything together.
I've set up a Google+ account for the blog and the link is on the right hand side of this page in the sidebar or click here. Feel free to follow me! I'll be adding everyone I was already following, on my new account, so don't think you're imagining things if you see me following you twice! Eventually I'll get rid of my personal G+ account as I don't use it.
I loved it when I did a video about a month ago and want to do one every week going forward if I can, and my Youtube channel is here. There's only one video up so far, which is a shot of some otters at Bournemouth Oceanarium. When I do videos in future they will be posted to my channel, as well as here of course.
My old email wasn't specific to the blog and I wanted it to be. If you've ever emailed me before please add loveleahblog @ gmail. com to your contacts (take away the spaces, they're to stop spammers getting me) particularly if you participate in or administrate any of the same fashion challenges as me as we occasionally need to email each other.
These are the last major changes I plan to make to the blog for a long time.
How organised are you?
I've bought a diary for 2014 specifically for my blog to keep track of all the fashion challenges I do and to plot out future posts. I could definitely do with some more organisation in my life!
Thanks for reading!
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