Today I met fellow plus size blogger Mookie and her husband Mike for the first time and we spent the day together. They very kindly picked me up on their way to town and straight away it felt like we'd known each other for ages. We parked up then went hog wild in New Look Inspire, where I got a couple of bits in the sale.
First up is this top in a 26, which was £5. Bargain! It's very stretchy and comfortable and shows off my bra a bit - it's definitely time for some va-va-voom!
(Excuse the grainy photos, no light when I took them.)
I'm in love with it. I showed my purchases to hubby and he liked them both, which was a relief as we're very short of money at the moment and I shouldn't really have bought anything. Mookie bought a few things which I look forward to seeing on her blog soon.
After we'd been to New Look and Superdrug (and stroked some friendly greyhounds outside) we went to Hastings Old Town for a meal, which was delicious. I neglected to Instagram my food! Bad blogger award! ;)
Here's Mookie and I together just before I left to come home.
When I got in James was so pleased to see me it was lovely! He gave me a massive hug and made me a cup of tea which was very appreciated.
I look forward to seeing Mookie and Mike again sometime soon and hope they enjoy Hastings Bonfire tonight.
It's so lovely to meet people I've been talking to online first. I already feel I know them so there's less nerves for me. Everyone I've talked to on Twitter or found through blogging then met afterwards has been SO lovely.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you're having a lovely weekend.
What are you doing tonight/tomorrow?
We're watching a film and maybe having a sneaky drink tonight, and having a lazy one tomorrow.
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